The hegan sleep method

Back in the dawn of time I spent several months as a Buddhist monk, studying Vipassana meditation in Wat Meung Mang in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Scroll forward 20 years to a stressed out business owner enduring sleepless nights. One desperate night I remembered the Vipassana days and tried something...

... and fell asleep.

I woke up surprised. I had hit on the elements of Vipassana that naturally produced sleep in an exhausted brain. Over subsequent years I refined the method, practised it often and found it took less and less time to get back to sleep. I studied the science of sleep and discovered why this method works. I no longer wake from stress but as a natural result of age. It still works perfectly. I wake up and within minutes I am asleep again.
There is an epidemic of sleep deprivation in the UK. (Hardly surprising!) So I have decided to teach my method to others.

Sleeplessness starts as an episodic affliction and becomes a habit. It takes more than a trick or an app to break that habit. It takes a method. I will teach you that method. It is not difficult.

The Offer

Imagine a life where you never, ever lie awake tossing and turning.

First Training Session

I give you an initial training session over live video - Skype, Google+, WhatsApp, your choice - covering the science, setting a context for sound sleep, and the method.


Follow-up refreshers and finer points by phone. There is no limit. My mission is to get you the sleep you need.

Personal Recording

I make a recording for you to keep, based on my assessment of your strengths and weaker points. This is for life.


Chris taught me his method for getting to sleep fifteen years ago. It changed my life then and has served me well ever since. If I am awake at two in the morning these days, it’s because I want to be! Best thing I ever learnt. 

Jonathon Acorn, Entertainer

Chris is really onto something with this technique. It was helpful right from the start, and I found I just kept getting better at it as time went by. Now, it’s like having a light switch in my head. No more sleepless nights – ever.

Penny O’Donoghue. Manager

I was working shifts, never getting enough sleep and was really desperate. I was about to go to the doctor for pills when I met Chris. I struggled at first but he never gave up. After about a month I had a breakthrough. Something just clicked and I have never looked back. Everyone should learn this.

Joan-Mary Evans, Nurse

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